"Persuasion" by Jane Austen

Por Jane Austen

Código do livro: 609760


Romance, Clássicos, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção e Romance, Ficção

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"Persuasion" is a novel by Jane Austen, and it is often regarded as her final completed work. The story revolves around Anne Elliot, a woman in her late twenties who, eight years earlier, was persuaded to break off her engagement to the love of her life, Captain Frederick Wentworth, due to societal and familial pressures.

The novel follows Anne's life as she navigates the consequences of her decision, including her family's financial struggles and her own feelings of regret and loss. Captain Wentworth reenters her life when he returns from the sea as a successful and eligible bachelor, causing Anne to confront her lingering love for him.

"Persuasion" is a novel that explores themes of love, second chances, and the complexities of societal expectations. It is a mature and reflective work by Austen, delving into the idea of whether one should follow their heart or adhere to the judgments and opinions of others. Like her other novels, "Persuasion" offers keen insights into the nuances of human relationships and the social norms of early 19th-century England.


Número de páginas 0
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Jamila Mafra é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia, Geografia Geral, Língua Portuguesa e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.

A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.

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