The Monkey King in Urantia

Surviving in the Jungle

Por Marlon de Sousa

Código do livro: 635319


Quadrinhos E Romances Gráficos, Biográfico, Action & Adventure, Quadrinhos (Hq), Estudo Bíblico, Educação

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In the intriguing literary universe of Artist Marlon de Sousa, dive into a unique and imaginative adventure with 'The Monkey King in Urantia: Surviving in the Jungle'. Follow the incredible journeys of the Monkey King as he flies to the distant planet Urantia, bringing with him a Vital manual for survival in the wild.

In this Journey of Altruism, the courageous monkey king meets the Sovereign of the Universe, King of Kings, for the first time. an Important meeting of Kings that will make our little hero adopt a new mentality, acquiring knowledge that will make him expand his own spatial perception, understanding of the Universe and Life; opening paths for new cosmic adventures,

in a great Universe of Infinite Possibilities. In addition to the thrilling survival narratives, explore a fascinating chapter dedicated to 'Andragogical Literacy', enriched with an engaging booklet of praises in two languages, Portuguese/English, for the eternal Learners of language proficiency. This is an educational work that transcends borders, offering not only practical guidance for life in the wild, but also a captivating insight into Andragogical Literacy. It is a Book designed to bring parents and children closer together.

Prepare to be enchanted and surprised on every page of this book that mixes wisdom and imagination, with a pinch of humor, gold and silver. A reading that transports readers to unknown worlds and challenges their perceptions. It's more than a manual, it's an extraordinary journey that will linger in your mind long after you close the book. Brave the unknown and discover the secrets that await those willing to follow the adventures of the Monkey King on his cosmic mission in a vast Super-Universe.


Número de páginas 135
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Colorido
Tipo de papel Couche 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Marlon de Sousa

Sou desenhista desde a infância, em que aos 10 anos de idade já enchia cadernos inteiros com desenhos, inevitavelmente influenciado por Maurício de Sousa, criador da Turma da Mônica.

Atualmente, aos 37 anos, sou Artista Plástico e Design Producer, criador de Histórias em Quadrinhos e Ilustrações Publicitárias, Projetos Artísticos e Projetos Audiovisuais como Animação em 2D Cartoon e Recursos Criativos para Propaganda e Publicidade.

Sou Brasileiro, Paranaense, 37 anos.

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