A Hundred Poes

Por The Poet of Omaezaki

Código do livro: 447378


Inspiracional & Religioso, Ciências Aplicadas, Poesia, Ciências da Religião, Ciência

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The Poet from Omaezaki

A prime poetry of me... ln the primordial wave l saw infinities waves that made particles and photons that made atoms that made perfect molecules, bodies, planets, stars and Gods & Goddesses!! Milkway, Solarsystem, Oceans, the Natural Quantic Quantum Quanta Computer...Salt and water electrical conductor!!!Yeah, salt water conducts electricity.Pure healing power.Longevity??? Psalm 151 Do it by yourself!!!

Needle hole: Only the humble will pass. The paper version is expensive on purpose. In the future paper book is lust. The e-book is cheap! Mustard seed? If the person had faith the size of a pollen, it would work miracles. If you have faith or some thing has; you can do miracles!

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the oceans are a thinking mass? The entire Planet "Gaia" the entire Universe. And that maybe everything has no end. There is no end to big and small too!

If the spirit of this planet is called "Gaia" The Spirit of This Universe is called "GOD" God is infinite; moreover, as (Spinoza + Einstein + Planck + Fourier) we live immersed in God.

The New Physics that emerged says that our universe is not the only one that exists (macrocosm) and we still don't understand dark energy and how a particle is built instead of destroying it (microcosm).Perhaps the human being is creation of this universe. See human size is the exact size to study both microcosm and macrocosm. We are this universe trying to understand itself...

Bonus content in "www.ahundredpoes.world"


ISBN 978-65-5392-301-0
Número de páginas 232
Edição 1 (2022)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Capa dura
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Polen
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

The Poet of Omaezaki

Uma gota no Oceano

A drop in the Ocean

Une goutte dans l'océan

A gutta in Oceanum






A HUNDRED POES: ahundredpoes.world

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