Luke Kaitos and Crystals OZ

Trilogy Luke Kaitos

Por JJ Sobrinho

Código do livro: 118648


Literatura Infanto Juvenil, Aventura

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Luke is an eleven year old boy who likes animals and plants; he is trapped in a bunker in the heart of the Amazon. His only friend is the Smoke; Smoke is a domestic ferret fun and awkward to know all the hiding places of the laboratory.

This site was chosen because it is special because it is located just above the highest World crust of crystals in addition to being one of the passages to Shamballah, capital of Agharta.

Luke was separated from his parents when he was eight years old and since then has done everything to find them, but so far without success.

However everything is about to change with the flight into the forest and the discovery of a new world inside the Earth, where he will encounter giant snakes, huge plants and beings of light beyond a sun that never sets.

In this adventure Luke will find its true origin, the power of friendship and makes all the difference to the recovery of human consciousness.


ISBN 978-1467970440
Número de páginas 99
Edição 1 (2011)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Português

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Fale com o autor

JJ Sobrinho

Jean J. A. Sobrinho, nasceu em Umuarama Paraná. Trabalha atualmente como Consultor de Empresas na área de Tecnologia da Informação. É formado em Administração de Empresas e possui Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação. Já trabalhou como: Diretor Executivo MyOffer Brasil Ltda Consultor e Gestor de Tecnologia da Informação na ISULPAR-Instituto Superior do Litoral Paraná Curitiba PR

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